
The U.S. at night?

Image created for Express Scripts using four different layers of concentration data to give an effect of the country at night.

Document Header

Created for a consistent look-and-feel across various reports

Two of Them book cover

Designed for Funkshunilyliterit Works, LLC's first publication

Original graphic design

Graphic representation of hinge assembly for factory lube equipment

New sign for Leo's Pizza in Jacksonville, IL

Lighted sign display designed for pizza restaurant, merged the photo of the couple into one image when the original had them at opposite sides of a family photo.

Promotional Poster

Promotional poster for internal National Internet Safety Awareness program

New Logo

Logo design for local client

Desktop Icon

Icon designed for Express Scripts application

Our Logo

Self-created logo

Picture becomes an old photograph

Picture of an old typewriter with filters added to give image the effect of being an old photograph.

Charter Communications eNewsletter Security Articles

Charter Communications eNewsletter Security Articles

These are links to my security articles written for the CharterConnect E-newsletter, with 4.3 million subscribers. These articles increased readership by over 150% in a matter of months, mostly by closing each article with a tie-in that encouraged readers to return the following month to read more about either a related or timely topic.

Individual Articles